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Study raises concern about e-cigarette waste


Nearly two years ago, Jeremiah Mock heard a student in Marin County, California, complain that her school was littered with e-cigarette waste. A health anthropologist by training, Mock did some investigating in a student parking lot, where he found a significant amount of e-cigarette and tobacco trash.

大约两年前,耶利米·莫克(Jeremiah Mock)听到加州马林县的一名学生抱怨说学校到处都是电子烟垃圾。作为一名受过培训的健康人类学家,莫克在一个学生停车场进行了调查,并在那里发现了大量的电子烟和烟草垃圾。

Surprised, Mock went further.


From July 2018 through April 2019, he and a colleague, Yogi Hendlin, collected tobacco, cannabis and e-cigarette waste from 12 public high school parking lots across the San Francisco Bay Area. They discovered that e-cigarette waste made up 19 percent of that recovered litter — trash that a mere a decade ago would scarcely have existed on high school campuses anywhere.

从2018年7月至2019年4月,莫克和他的一名同事(尤吉·翰德林(Yogi Hendlin))一直在旧金山湾区的12所公立高中停车场收集烟草、大麻和电子烟垃圾。他们发现:电子烟垃圾占回收垃圾的19%——而在十年前的高中校园,你几乎看不到这种垃圾。

As media coverage focuses on the more immediate public health crisis of vaping, and its link to a recent spate of mysterious lung illnesses and deaths, researchers like Mock and Hendlin caution there also is a looming environmental threat.


Little research has been done on the impact of e-cigarette waste, which consists of microplastics, metals, nicotine and combustible lithium ion batteries. In fact, Mock and Hendlin’s garbology study, published earlier this month, is the first to systematically catalog e-cigarette trash.


"I would say it’s alarming," said Mock, an associate professor at the University of California, San Francisco, and a member of the school's Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education. Hendlin is a UCSF research associate.


The FDA reports that 20.8 percent of high school students use vaping devices, and recent surveys indicate that use is growing even among children in middle school. Flavored e-cigarettes, which are especially popular among teenagers, are now the target of bans in eight states, according to the advocacy group Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids.


Many teens and adults have fallen victim to a growing public health crisis involving vaping products. Earlier this month, a 17-year-old from New York became the first teenager to die of a mysterious vaping-related illness that has killed 33 people and sickened nearly 1,500 across every state except Alaska, according to the CDC.

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