

初中教师总结 |








  ele t y hetn! Shanghai is y hetn。 It is a dern and busy tn。 It has a lng histry。 There are any big superarets, beautiful gardens and gd fatries here。 It is very easy t g shpping。 u an see big trees and nie flers。 There are any restaurants in Shanghai。 The fd tastes very deliius。u an eny eyery inutes f it。 any visitrs e here t eny it。


  y hetn is suizhu, there is very beautiful in a ity par and the suth f baiyun shennng par, is rereatin visit plaes。 inding rad, and thi vegetatin and Xuan esh t deprive a persn bnsai, let a persn ith nature。

  T realize fall, lae feeling, the hushan is right hie。 The hushan LiuAn supple, basts beautiful senery, ade strll, relaxed。

  In the evening, iefang rad, LngTai pedestrian street lights, shpping shpping t nt istae; Pearl plaza, railay statin plaza, leisure, sprts and tide f strea f peple, bisterus, ight as ell g see suizhu f ass ultural life。


  英语作文 我的家乡

  I a fr ShenZhen。 In spring ,the eather is ar and et。 I an play ite。 In suer, the eather is ht and et。 I an si in the siing pl。 In the autun, the eather is l and dry。 I an play ite, t。 In the inter, the eather is ld and dry。 It never sn。


  y he tn is a beautiful plae。 it stands beside a ide river and is rih in fish and rie。

  but in the ld days it as a pr and baard little tn。 any peple had n r。 they lived a hard life。

  in 1949 y hetn as liberated。 sine then great hanges have taen plae there。 the streets have been idened。 fatries, shls, hspitals, ineas and theatres have sprung up ne after anther。 the life f the peple is greatly iprved。

  i lve y hetn。 all the re i lve its peple。 they are ring hard s as t ae it still riher and re beautiful。


  我的家乡y Hetn

   y hetn is Xiaen。 I as brn there telve years ag。 N I live in Fuzhu, the apital f Fuian Prvine。 Xiaen is a beautiful ity that any peple visit there。 The hle ity is lean and tidy。 I lived in dntn。 It&rsqu;s near t the prt, here is the busiest plae, beause thusands f peple g t the Gulangyu。 Gulanyu is a sall island。 There are any distintive buildings and paths there。 u ay get lst in s any paths, but yu dn&rsqu;t have t rry。 And every path has its n beautiful senery。 I lve y beautiful hetn。



  i a fr shenzhen。 in spring ,the eather is ar and et。 i an play ite。 in suer, the eather is ht and et。 i an si in the siing pl。 in the autun, the eather is l and dry。 i an play ite, t。 in the inter, the eather is ld and dry。 it never sn。


  y hetn

  y he is in a tn。 It lies in the east f Zheiang near the East SeA。It has a ppulatin f fifty thusand。 ur tn is in the suth f ur unty。The Ease Sea is t the east f the tn。 T the suth is flat land。 untains are n the est。 And a river runs fr nrth t suth in the est f y tn。

  The eather here is gd。 It is nt s ld in inter r s ht in suer。 S the sea near y tn is full f all srts f fish。 The fisheren f y he tn are all living a happy life。


  我的家乡y He Tn

   y he tn is a beautiful plae。 It stands beside a ide river and is rih in fish and rie。


   But in the ld days it as a pr and baard little tn。 any peple had n r。 They lived a hard life。


   In 1949 y hetn as liberated。 Sine then great hanges have taen plae there。 The streets have been idened。 Fatries, shls, hspitals, ineas and theatres have sprung up ne after anther。 The life f the peple is greatly iprved。


   I lve y hetn。 All the re I lve its peple。 They are ring hard s as t ae it still riher and re beautiful。



  y hetn

  Shanghai is y hetn。 It is a dern and busy ity ith a lng histry。 It is faus fr its night vie。 There are a lt f departent stres and huge shpping entres, s Shanghai is nn as a shpping Paradise&rsqu;。 If turists e t Shanghai, it ill be very easy fr the t g shpping here。 They an als have a lt f deliius fd t eny。 ele t Shanghai!


  y hetn

  y hetn is Haien。 It&rsqu;s nt very large, but it&rsqu;s very beautiful。 There is less air pllutin in Haien than in ther areas f Nantng。 There is a beautiful par; its nae is Dngzhu Par。 u an exerise and g aling there。 There are abut ne illin peple in Haien。 st f us live in flats。 They are nt very high。 There is a superaret here。 Its nae is Ties Superaret。 It has three flrs。 It is very large。 There are any things in it, suh as lthes, snas, statinery, an eletrial shp and a bshp。 There are lts f htpt restaurants in Haien。 I thin the ld Huse Htpt Restaurant is the best。 I lie eating htpt very uh。 There is a lt f deliius fd in this restaurant。

  In Haien, there is a TV ter。 It&rsqu;s very high and in the evening it is very beautiful。 I thin there are lts f nie lights n the TV ter。

  The eather in Haien is gd。 In spring it&rsqu;s ar。 any birds fly in the sy。 The flers are very beautiful。 It&rsqu;s ht in suer。 e eep air-nditiners n every day。 It is l in autun and in inter it&rsqu;s very ld。 D yu lie y hetn?


  y hetn

  y hetn, a village lating beside a sall river, is a nderful plae ith beautiful senery surrunded。 Beause f the pr gegraphial envirnent and ithut an asphalt rad, the hle village is pr and peple&rsqu;s lives are tugh。 Generally, peple gr rie and se ther rps fr a living。 st yung peple r at the ity, leaving their parents and hildren at he, hih is the status f the vast arity f rural area。 It sees that nly in this ay an rural peple live a better life。


  y hetn

  y he tn is every beautiful。 it stands beside a ide river and is rih in fish and rie。

  But in the ld days it as a pr and baard little tn。 any peple had n r。 they lived a hard life。

  In 1949 y hetn as liberated。 sine then great hanges have taen plae there。 the streets have been idened。 fatries, shls, hspitals, ineas and theatres have sprung up ne after anther。 the life f the peple is greatly iprved。

  I lve y hetn。 all the re i lve its peple。 they are ring hard s as t ae it still riher and re beautiful。

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